Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

I Can’t Believe I Lost The Source….

So, the other day I finally decided to refactor the source for AG (anyone who knows me knows what that is, others who dont… well, ask!) and break the huge monotlitic binary into lots of little xml files.  Only problem is the fine folks at RS (again, ask) decided that it would make perfect sense to allow an external xml file to simply say “hey, the source for this class is in this other external binary file” – thus, in my bungling about trying to externalize a bunch of classes, I screwed up, managed to get some of the .xml files to point at their external binary counterparts (instead of actually containing the source I was after).

Once I had done the export (assuming the xml files actually *contained* the source) I opened the project, and all my stuff was there.  Seeing that I had successfully externalized everything so I could use a decent version control system (read: Subversion) I deleted the external binary files.

I created the svn repository, imported the source, called it a night.

Came back to RB a few days later, and when I opened the project it started asking me to locate all the classes I had just exported….

No problem…. I know where they are… In my xml files I expored a few days ago…




They are gone.

No manner of undelete/restore software (believe me, I tried many) could resurrect anything useful.

The last backup I had of my source (since it has been such a pain to version control a monolithic binary file) was 3 versions old (all minor point releases, sure, but still, that’s a lot of code to lose.

Oh well.  Live and learn.

I have managed to piece enough things back together that I now at least have a working project with all the pieces it needs – I will just have to re-write a few things.

Guess who is going to be procuring a new external hard drive to do nightly backups?


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