Acerbic Resonance

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MySQL Install On OS X Leopard Fix

So, I finally took the plunge and installed Leopard on my MacBook Pro – I figured that by waiting I would avoid some of the icky problems that sometimes crop up with new OS releases.  Unfortunately, I did not avoid the broken MySQL install problems that appear with Leopard.

I looked around on the internet and found several "solutions" that did not work – either because they were talking about items that did not exist on my installation for some reason, or messing with permissions, or just starting it from the command line, etc.

I’m a simple guy.  I don’t want to have to remember to start/stop it from the command line.  I don’t want to have to remember to start it again after I reboot the machine.  I want it to Just Work™.

Then, I stumbled upon some instructions here that helped me find the correct solution.  In a nutshell, I did not need to mess with any of the socket or alias goop that the referenced post talks about, I just had to fix the startup pref pane using a little shell script in place of the original server launch file:

cd /usr/local/mysql/support-files

mv mysql.server mysql.server.real

Now create and edit a new file called mysql.server – I use vim:

vim mysql.server

This will open the file for editing.  Here are my file’s contents:


sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server.real $1

Finally, you need to change a few permissions on the newly created file:

sudo chown root:wheel mysql.server

sudo chmod +x mysql.server

And that's it.  MySQL immediately started for me from the pref pane when this was done. 


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