Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

8th Anniversary

To celebrate our anniversary, traditionally and I have found a way to get out of town to a nice bed and breakfast and enjoy a relaxing weekend together.  We’ve stayed at all kinds of places, and usually had a great time.  It’s nice to be waited on for a change – to be pampered, spoiled, even.

But not this year.

This year we decided to go …. (drumroll)… Camping.

In the cold.

In the rain.

For those of you who know Christine well, pick your jaw back up off that floor and just keep reading.  My family has recently purchased some property near Lava Hot Springs in Idaho, and there’s an unfinished cabin there (that we are working on finishing – but that’s another story) as well as several acres of thickly wooded land.  We wanted to see the cabin and property, spend some time together, and try out camping together for the first time ever.

So we loaded up the van and a trailer with my brother’s go-kart, dropped the kids at my other brother’s house and headed up.

The drive was enjoyable – right up until the very end.  See, to get to the cabin you take a nice divided highway for a while, then get on a regular 2 lane road, then turn onto a single lane paved road, then go down to a single lane gravel road, then down to just whatever passes for cleared off enough to drive on road, then onto the driveway of the cabin – and by driveway I mean that they chopped down the trees in something resembling a path up the property to where the cabin stands.

Needless to say, once we got off the paved road and tried to climb some of the really steep, muddy, wet stuff with my little minivan pulling a large trailer, we got stuck.

We had to unload the go-kart and drive it up the hill separately. 🙂

All in all, we had a great weekend.  We got to see the cabin, eat foil dinners, play the guitar by the campfire, get rained on (a lot), play on the go-kart and use the worlds worst chainsaw to cut up some wood that I intend to turn into some cabin furniture.

Here are a few pictures:








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