Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

Racing the Apple Timeclock

On Friday, October 16th, I uploaded a new application to the apple iTunes App store.  It’s an application I developed at work, and I won’t bore you with details of what it does other than to say it’s called “Auriculo” and is acupuncture related.

On Monday at work we decided that we could re-create the same iPhone app in a desktop format, and likely get it ready to release on our own before Apple got around to accepting our submission and putting it up for sale.

I finished all the functionality of the desktop version yesterday, and should finish up the rest of what it needs (serialization, auto-updates, an installer, etc) today.  We plan to release it as soon as it is done, and so far there has been no indication at all that Apple is working on the review of the iPhone version of the app.

I’ve read a few reports (mostly people’s supposition) that indicate there are a lot of steps that Apple takes to review your iPhone app – test for bugs, check for memory leaks, check for use of restricted API, make sure your description matches what the app does, make sure your marketing stuff does not infringe on other works, etc… It would sure be nice if we could get some updates from Apple indicating what step the review is in – sort of like tracking your package via UPS.

However, as usual Apple is playing the role of the strong silent type, and I’ve heard nothing.

Looks like I’m going to beat the Apple Timeclock.


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