Acerbic Resonance

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Daddy Daughter Campout 2011

This summer sure seems like it has been full of travel – first we hit the Oregon coast, then several trips to UT, one to San Francisco, camping with my son, and this past weekend, camping with my daughters.  Just a few more trips planned (one to the cabin, one family reunion) and I’ll be very ready for a regular schedule to set back in.

I took my girls up to Pine Flats campground in the Boise National Forest this past weekend for our first annual Daddy Daughter campout – I think we’ll plan to do this every year around the time of the father’s and son’s campout.  The weather was great (just a tiny bit of rain late in the night) and the campground was very nice – plenty of room, great facilities, etc.  We cooked dinner on the campfire, hiked to the river where we saw some wolf tracks (see the picture below), had a great breakfast of pancakes and plastic bag omelets, and then took a hike to the hot springs.  What a perfect way to end the trip on Saturday morning.

Here are a few pictures from the camp – click here to see the rest:



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