Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

The Cat Condo

So, my sister-in-law Jenni and her husband Ray have a cat, Petey.  Though I am allergic to cats and thus keep my distance from Petey, by all accounts he is a cheery and delightful cat worthy of all the affection and adoration that can and should be heaped upon him.  So over Thanksgiving weekend we heaped some on, and built him a new cat condo.  Similar condos sell in pet stores and online for $3-400, and while we like Petey, I don’t think we like him that much.  Jenni and Ray found nearly all the materials as leftover scraps from a carpet store, so it was very inexpensive to build.

Click on the image below to see more shots of the construction process:


One response to “The Cat Condo”

  1. And the Cat sits on it all the time, mostly to look out the window.

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