Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

Author: admin

  • Résumé or not to Resume

    I don’t know what my problem is, but I really don’t like to dust off my résumé.  I know that from time to time it is a good idea to pull it out and brush it up, but each time I think about it my first reaction is a stout “meh…” accompanied by a shoulder…

  • Updated Square Foot Garden Information

    For those of you (all 2) who read this little blog regularly, you know that I have planted a garden this year.  Well, I finally finished all the construction, and got around taking some pictures. I was actually quite surprised about how much work there was to set up the garden in the first place:…

  • Invisible Shelves

    The other day my wife mentioned an article on wikihow that explained how to make “invisble shelves”.  I have to admit that I am a sucker for simple and innovative projects such as this one, so when she also mentioned that she’d like something like that for her recipe books, off to the local thrift…

  • Wheeler Farm

    On a recent vacation in the Salt Lake city area, we took the kids to Wheeler Farm.  It’s a real, working farm with places to have a picnic lunch, feed the animals, take ride through the rolling hills, see examples of farm machinery old and new, and sample some of what is produced there today.…

  • This horse needs a dentist!

    I admit it.  I’m not from the country.  I was raised in suburbia, USA, where seeing corn still on the stalk involved a 40 minute ride on the interstate, and horses were something we only saw up close at the fair. Now I live in an area that was very recently mostly farmland.  My whole…

  • Ohhhh – Sparkly!

    So, as you may know, I’m building a pretty large garden this year.  Some of what we want to grow needs a sturdy trellis to climb, so off to the hardware store I went to find some steel conduit to use as a frame. Tonight I am finally to the stage of cutting the conduit…

  • Square Foot Gardening

    This is the summer. We’re finally going to do it right.  The garden is almost complete. In years past we have tried several times to grow a decent vegetable garden.  First, in Eagle Mountain we tried more or less marking off a small garden plot and tossing some seeds in the ground.  I watered it…

  • Win32 Error Codes for LastErrorCode

    I am not a windows programmer.  I just play one at work. Actually, I write apps for both windows and the mac, but I do it all on a mac using RealBasic – it will cross-compile. Today I ran into a problem on windows with one of my projects – I was trying to read…

  • Dog Tags

    Tonight was a full lunar eclipse that was visible at the perfect time of the evening for me to enjoy it with my kids.  So there we were – hanging out in the front yard with camera in hand waiting for the clouds to thin out a bit.  I was holding the baby and Erica…

  • Full Lunar Eclipse – Feb 20, 2008

    Recently Erica has become very interested in all things astronomy.  We took her to the library and picked up Charlie Brown’s Encyclopedia of Earth and Space – it’s a pretty large book filled with the state of the art science from 1978 (when it was published 😉 ) about space.  For the last several weeks…