Author: kimball
Full Lunar Eclipse – Feb 20, 2008
Recently Erica has become very interested in all things astronomy. We took her to the library and picked up Charlie Brown’s Encyclopedia of Earth and Space – it’s a pretty large book filled with the state of the art science from 1978 (when it was published 😉 ) about space. For the last several weeks…
Recursively Change Line Endings
So, very rarely I need to change the line endings for a large set of files scattered across a bunch of directories. Sometimes there are few enough files that I just do it manually, but today I really wanted to do a large batch of them recursively. I wound up using this in a terminal:…
RMagick Ruby Gem on OS X Leopard
As I’ve been putting my dev environment back together on Leopard, I’ve been finding all kinds of things that don’t quite work right – see my earlier post on MySQL. The latest problem I’ve found occurs when attempting to gem install RMagick. I get this error: Can’t install RMagick 2.2.0. Can’t find Magick-config in /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/kimball/bin/:/usr/local/mysql/bin…
MySQL Install On OS X Leopard Fix
So, I finally took the plunge and installed Leopard on my MacBook Pro – I figured that by waiting I would avoid some of the icky problems that sometimes crop up with new OS releases. Unfortunately, I did not avoid the broken MySQL install problems that appear with Leopard. I looked around on the internet…
Kimball Birthday List 2007
Ugh. Birthday time again. At least the pain of turing 31 is to be offset by the relative joy of receiving doodads from folks who care about me. 🙂 MOTOROKR S9 Wireless Headphones (I really want these things…) Leatherman Skeletool Flannel Shirts iPhone Air Compressor and Brad Nailer – would prefer a 2-3 Gallon compressor,…
Golden Rule of Computer Programming
I recall a certain professor of mine proclaimed: "Computers are dumb, and programmers are lazy" I’ve since come to call this the golden rule of programming – (technicalities about how this is actually 2 rules left aside…) At the time, it gave the folks in the class a good chuckle, but upon more reflection, it…
The Piano Man
Some time ago, Christine posted a note in her blog about our piano ordeal. To sum up, we ordered a piano in June of this year from the folks at the Piano Superstore. Normally I would not consider purchasing something like a piano sight unseen (and unplayed/heard) but after several weeks of looking at traditional…
Illegal Immigration Rant
I typically am not a horribly vocal person when it comes to politics and current affairs – heck, I don’t even watch much TV. I get my news online or on the radio when driving to and from work. However, something happened yesterday that has prompted me to sound off on the problem of illegal…
Nerd Handbook
I found this via a quick note that Hans wrote in his blog, but found it to hit the mark so astonishingly well that I learned quite a bit about myself, and about how patient my wife must be with me. Thanks, honey! The Nerd Handbook Now, back to my cave…
Kimball Christmas List 2007
I’ve actually had a bit of a hard time coming up with items for my list this year – but here is the list, such as it is (All links are to provide a general idea, unless otherwise noted): Large Tool Chest With Drawers FlipVideo Camera Leatherman Skeletool Watch – Here are some I like.…