Category: Miridia
Racing the Apple Timeclock
On Friday, October 16th, I uploaded a new application to the apple iTunes App store. It’s an application I developed at work, and I won’t bore you with details of what it does other than to say it’s called “Auriculo” and is acupuncture related. On Monday at work we decided that we could re-create the…
Homegrown Client / Server Data Sharing
Recently at work I had to come up with a way to have several installations of our software share application data in near-real time. I poked around a bit looking for a simple solution, but there does not appear to be such a thing. So I came up with my own. I don’t claim it’s…
Launching RealBasic Apps in Ubuntu 8.04 on 64 Bit Hardware
For work I have recently needed to be able to compile RealBasic applications to run on Linux. The support for Linux from RB is decent, but requires the 32 bit versions of several libraries for the build apps to run. Specifically, I had to install the following extra packages to let things work: libc6-i386 ia32-libs…
Wouldja Pass Me That Spoon? It’s Time For My Sandwich
At work I occasionally get so involved in whatever I’m working on (usually really ugly code) that I don’t realize just how long I’ve been at it. Sometimes I am rescued from this near stupor-like state of staring at my computer monitor by an interruption – someone popping into my office to play with my…
Finally Moved; Server Alive!
Ok, so we finally loaded up all our stuff into the biggest U-Haul money can rent, and headed north to the sunny climes of Boise, ID. While the drive for me was mostly uneventful (except for when the car hauler behind the truck started fishtailing and whipping the back of the truck around – that…
New Home
So, as I have accepted a new job working for Miridia Technology in Meridian, ID, we headed up this weekend to find and purchase a house. Turns out that while we were there, our house here went under contract, so we are all set to move in June. I have posted about a gazillion pictures…
I Can’t Believe I Lost The Source….
So, the other day I finally decided to refactor the source for AG (anyone who knows me knows what that is, others who dont… well, ask!) and break the huge monotlitic binary into lots of little xml files. Only problem is the fine folks at RS (again, ask) decided that it would make perfect sense…