Category: Techie Mumbo Jumbo
Recursive wget
I love wget. I’ve used it in the past to quickly snag the contents of entire web directories, and tonight I learned a few more tricks it can do. Namely, it can recurse down as many levels deep from the first page as you like, it can ignore the reported length of items it is…
Using BackupPC Locally To External Firewire Drive
So, I recently discovered the wonderful backup tool called BackupPC (Thanks, Hans!) and have set it up to backup all the workstations at my office to a central server with a large storage capacity. However, I’ve only set it to backup the important work-related files from each workstation. I would like to be able to…
Deploying Ruby On Rails to Feisty Using Capistrano, Apache, and Mongrel
So, I’ve been hacking on a new RoR application for work for the last week or so, and it’s time to get a deployment environment set up so I can deploy as rapidly as I can develop. I’ve been reading Agile Development With Rails and whilst perusing the chapter on deployment, ran across this site…
Programmer Mel
So, I was just getting settled in for my workday (aka getting my daily fix of /.) and I ran across a link to a neat article about Mel the Programmer. Well written and entertaining, this article adds some neat perspective on where programming has been compared with where it is now. Set in the…
Joel on Customer Service
I have tuned in to Joel on Software (the blog of the owner of Fog Creek software) from time to time, and have always found his opinions refreshing. Today my brother pointed me to a recent article Joel posted about doing customer service the Right Way™. I find all 8 of his points to be…
How Much Optimizing Should I Do?
With the ever-increasing speed of consumer computers, frequently developers decide that it is much more important to get their applications shipped quickly than to take extra time to optimize their code a bit. This morning I ran across an interesting article that points why this is a Bad Idea™. The Fallacy Of Premature Optimization From…
New(ish) Web Server
So, quite some time ago I picked up a newer used machine than my current web server. Over time I have gradually moved bits and pieces of things over to the new box. Tonight I finally had time to move this darn blog. 🙂 So, feast your eyes – this is being served by a…
I Can’t Believe I Lost The Source….
So, the other day I finally decided to refactor the source for AG (anyone who knows me knows what that is, others who dont… well, ask!) and break the huge monotlitic binary into lots of little xml files. Only problem is the fine folks at RS (again, ask) decided that it would make perfect sense…