Tag: code
Homegrown Client / Server Data Sharing
Recently at work I had to come up with a way to have several installations of our software share application data in near-real time. I poked around a bit looking for a simple solution, but there does not appear to be such a thing. So I came up with my own. I don’t claim it’s…
UIPickerView SDK Permutations
I have recently begun to learn to develop applications for the iPhone. This means I’m getting my head back into Objective-C (where it’s not been for several years – ever since I stopped writing WebObjects code) and learning all the cocoa frameworks and specialized SDK for the iPhone. For a project I’m working on, we…
Win32 Error Codes for LastErrorCode
I am not a windows programmer. I just play one at work. Actually, I write apps for both windows and the mac, but I do it all on a mac using RealBasic – it will cross-compile. Today I ran into a problem on windows with one of my projects – I was trying to read…
Recursively Change Line Endings
So, very rarely I need to change the line endings for a large set of files scattered across a bunch of directories. Sometimes there are few enough files that I just do it manually, but today I really wanted to do a large batch of them recursively. I wound up using this in a terminal:…
Golden Rule of Computer Programming
I recall a certain professor of mine proclaimed: "Computers are dumb, and programmers are lazy" I’ve since come to call this the golden rule of programming – (technicalities about how this is actually 2 rules left aside…) At the time, it gave the folks in the class a good chuckle, but upon more reflection, it…
Nerd Handbook
I found this via a quick note that Hans wrote in his blog, but found it to hit the mark so astonishingly well that I learned quite a bit about myself, and about how patient my wife must be with me. Thanks, honey! The Nerd Handbook Now, back to my cave…
As Usual, Scott Adams Is Right
This is particularly funny to me as I’ve recently begun to read up and attempt to practice some of the agile methods. The basic gist of agile programming is that you make small, rapid, incremental changes to the software you build, and receive feedback on each change as you go from your customer. So, instead…
Real Programmers Don’t Eat Quiche
Upon reviewing my story about Programmer Mel, I took the time to read the following article about how Real Programmers Don’t Use Pascal, and nearly shot milk out my nose: (Note: I found this article here) [ A letter to the editor of Datamation, volume 29 number 7, July 1983. I’ve long ago lost my…
How Much Optimizing Should I Do?
With the ever-increasing speed of consumer computers, frequently developers decide that it is much more important to get their applications shipped quickly than to take extra time to optimize their code a bit. This morning I ran across an interesting article that points why this is a Bad Idea™. The Fallacy Of Premature Optimization From…