Acerbic Resonance

There’s no substitute for a good subtitle.

Tag: politics

  • I DID build that!

    By now you’ve probably seen all the rhetoric surrounding Obama’s “You didn’t build that” comment given in a speech a few days ago in Virginia. I’ve taken the time to read the full context of that comment, and have a few thoughts: Obama’s intention (as I read it) was to indicate that without the infrastructure…

  • Understanding US Federal Income Tax Rates

    Today I joined in a discussion on Facebook that was prompted by the following video: Clearly this video is about the destructive effects of socialism on a personal drive to succeed.  The Facebook discussion quickly devolved into the liberal folks screaming about how the rich need to pay their fair share of taxes, with the…

  • Rate Obama’s Job Performance

    Whether you love all that Obama has done since taking office, or hope that we get to make a change at the next election, you can make your voice heard by participating in a quick CBS News poll about his job performance during his first year in office: I voted, and while I won’t…

  • Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson Suggests Guam Will “Capsize”

    So, during his bid for the presidency, Obama promised lots of transparency with his administration – stuff broadcast on CSPAN and whatnot.  Since taking office, this is only one of many, many promises that have simply turned out to be lies. Now, I wondered quietly to myself why they would not want to broadcast the…

  • A Letter From The CEO

    I received this from a friend – sound at all familiar? LETTER FROM THE BOSS….. As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would…

  • We The People Stimulus Package

    Perhaps a bit kooky presentation, but great information: httpvh://

  • Illegal Immigration Rant

    I typically am not a horribly vocal person when it comes to politics and current affairs – heck, I don’t even watch much TV.  I get my news online or on the radio when driving to and from work.  However, something happened yesterday that has prompted me to sound off on the problem of illegal…